전체 1

MATLAB/Simulink for Digital Communicati

양원영외 9인 공저 | 홍릉과학출판사 | 10,000원 구매
0 0 274 60 0 1 2018-03-02
The features of this book can be summarized as follows: 1. This book presents more MATLAB programs for the simulation of communication systems than any existent books with the same or similar titles as an approach to explain most things using MATLAB and figures rather than English and equations. 2. Most MATLAB programs are presented in a complete form so that the reader..

㈜유페이퍼 대표 이병훈 | 316-86-00520 | 통신판매 2017-서울강남-00994 서울 강남구 학동로2길19, 2층 (논현동,세일빌딩) 02-577-6002 help@upaper.net 개인정보책임 : 이선희

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